Domain names can be a little confusing for newcomers. In the simplest terms, a domain name is your website’s address on the internet. But what about root domains? And linking root domains?
In this blog post, We’ll discuss what linking root domains are, the different types of domains, and why linking them is essential for SEO. We’ll also examine some frequently asked questions about them and Google’s stance.
Now, When we are talking about link building. Experts often say that linking the root domains is an important metric.
Most of the time, you might hear that Getting several links from the same domain is risky. Rather than getting one link from one domain. Is It true or false? Let’s talk about it.
So if you’re ready to know whether it’s true or false, keep reading!
What Are Root Domains?
A root domain is the top-level domain of a website – for example, google.com, amazon.com, or facebook.com.
In general, linking domains refer to the number of unique websites linking to your site from their root domain addresses.
It is one of the most critical factors for search engine optimization, as it indicates that your site has a lot of authoritative backlinks.
Types Of Top-level Domains?
Top-level domains are differentiated based on ownership, purpose, location, etc. Here we are going to talk about the five commonly-used types of top-level domains:
Country Code TLDs (ccTLDs)
There are 312 country code top-level domains, each linking root domains with two-letter codes. These are country-specific domain names that are restricted to certain countries or regions.
Some well-known ccTLDs are:
- .ca (Canada),
- .fr (France),
- .jp (Japan),
- .de (Germany), and
- .UK (United Kingdom).
Generic TLDs
On the other hand, Generic top-level domains are the most familiar and widely used types of linking root domains. They have three or more characters and represent a global function rather than a specific country or region.
Some of the most famous examples include:
- .com (Commercial),
- .net (Network),
- .org (Organization),
- .edu (Education), and
- .gov (Government).
Sponsored TLDs
Another linking root domain is Sponsored TLDs, which private companies or groups use to create top-level domains according to their naming conventions.
Some of them are:
- .asia (regional interest),
- .cat (Catalan),
- .jobs (employer and recruitment sites),
- .mobi (mobile devices), and
- .travel (tourism industry).
Infrastructure/Protocol TLDs:
Finally, These domains represent specific standards or technology systems. It is not targeted at a specific region or industry but is used to show that a website adheres to specific protocols.
Some of them are:
- .arpa (Internet infrastructure),
- .biz (businesses),
- .pro (professionals), and
- .info (information)
Test TLDs
These kinds of domains are mainly reserved for testing and research purposes. Reserving these linking domains is to avoid linking errors that may occur with the other types of top-level domains.
Some examples of test-linking root domains are:
- .test (testing),
- .localhost (local servers), and
- .invalid (invalid data).
So now you know the different types of domains and their purposes. But the question is, why is linking root domains so crucial for SEO? Let’s answer it now.
Why Are Linking Root Domains Important?
There are several reasons why these domains are an essential element of SEO. Here are some of the reasons why it’s crucial:
- This help diversify your link building strategy. A diverse linking structure is essential, as it helps avoid any penalties from search engines.
- It also helps improve your site’s domain authority and trust in the eyes of Google, which are critical factors for getting good rankings on SERPs.
- They help build credibility and increase engagement with your target audience. This can be accomplished by linking to authoritative, high-quality websites as linking root domains.
- They must be a strong ranking signal in Google’s algorithm. So, Building backlinks from linking root domains will help boost your site’s visibility and ensure that it ranks highly for relevant keywords and queries.
- They can also help you build domain authority, a score that shows how authoritative your linking root domains are. The higher your domain authority, the more likely you rank well in search engines.
Is It Safe To Build Multiple Backlinks From The Same Domain?
There is no simple answer to this question, as there are many factors that should be taken into consideration.
Having multiple unique root domains (individual websites) linking to you is fantastic. But so is having a great website link back to you time and time again.
Take it as an example:
You are a Software company looking to improve your search engine rankings and increase traffic to your website. And “X” company is a goldmine for your industry. They have a high domain authority and are seen as an authoritative resource for their industry.
So you decide to reach out to them about linking to your website. They agree, and the linking root domains start flowing in! But eventually, they stop linking to you.
This can happen for several reasons:
- perhaps they have changed their linking strategy, or
- they are no longer interested in linking to websites like yours, etc.
In general, building multiple backlinks from the same domain is safe – as long as those links come from high-quality, relevant websites that offer real value to your target audience.
Remember not to rely too heavily on anyone linking the root domain or website for your SEO success.
Why Are Repeated Domains Essential?
Above, We have already discussed why linking root domains are essential for SEO, but why are repeated domains so important?
There are a few reasons why getting linked from the same root domain over and over again can be a good idea for your website’s SEO.
- It can help you build and strengthen the linking relationship with a particular domain.
- Getting linked from the same root domain can help you build a natural link profile, which is crucial for improving your site’s rankings and visibility.
- It can also help you establish authority in your niche, with various benefits like more traffic and higher SERP rankings.
- Most importantly, it builds your brand and reputation online as a credible source in your industry.
Does Google Consider Root Domains For Link Building?
In short, yes. Google considers these domains a key factor for SEO success and rankings.
However, the quality of linking root domains is just as important as the quantity. Focus on getting quality backlinks from relevant, high-authority websites to be successful in your linking strategy. Or else, you could risk getting penalized by Google’s algorithm.
Q. how many linking root domains should I aim for?
A. There is no simple answer to this question, as there are many factors that should be taken into consideration.
Q. How can I build backlinks from them?
A. You can use many strategies to build backlinks from linking root domains, such as guest posting, blogger outreach, link building services, etc.
Final Thoughts
Now that you better understand linking root domains and why they are so crucial for SEO, it’s time to start building your linking strategy.
If you have any questions regarding root domains, feel free to ask us in the comment section. We will be happy to answer you.
Thanks for reading 🙂