Tumblr Backlinks Is It Worth Generating These Backlinks

This blog delves into the topic of “Tumblr Backlinks,” where we will explore the history of Tumblr, evaluate if Tumblr backlinks are beneficial for SEO, and provide insights on how to build Tumblr backlinks effectively. 

As we all know, backlinks play a crucial role in enhancing a website’s search engine ranking, and Tumblr, being a social media platform, presents link-building opportunities.

So, let’s dive in right away.

History Of Tumblr/Tumblr Backlinks

Tumblr is a popular microblogging platform that was launched in 2007. It quickly gained popularity as a place for people to express themselves and share their ideas through short-form content like images, text, and videos. 

Its unique blend of social networking and blogging has made it a favorite of many, including online marketers looking to boost their website’s search engine rankings.

In the early days of Tumblr, backlinks were not a significant concern for most users. However, as the platform grew in popularity, so did the importance of backlinks. Tumblr backlinks were seen as an easy way to improve a website’s search engine ranking, and many online marketers began using Tumblr to build backlinks to their websites.

Tumblr’s approach to backlinks has evolved, with significant changes occurring in 2014 and 2016. In 2014, Tumblr implemented a nofollow attribute on all outbound links, making it more challenging for users to use the platform solely for link building purposes. 

Despite this, Tumblr backlinks remain popular among SEO professionals and online marketers looking to boost their website’s search engine rankings.

Before 2016, all Tumblr backlinks were followed links, making the platform a goldmine of backlink opportunities. However, in 2016, Tumblr began using Javascript redirects on most external links, significantly reducing link equity. Nevertheless, links embedded within images remained followed links.

This leaves us with the question, are Tumblr links good for SEO? The debate continues to rage on across various forums, with arguments for both sides.

Are Tumblr Backlinks Good For SEO?

To Understand this in a better way, we need to understand somethings in a better way, Such as:

Domain Authority

Each domain has a unique domain authority, and Tumblr is no exception. If you check the domain authority of Tumblr, you will notice that it is relatively high, indicating that the site is credible and trustworthy.

When you create a blog on Tumblr, it is assigned a subdomain, such as myblog.tumblr.com, which is a part of the Tumblr domain. New blogs on Tumblr usually start with a page authority metric of 30, which can increase significantly as they gain traffic and acquire backlinks.

It’s important to understand that Google views subdomains with a different level of authority and credibility than the main website. 

This means that a Tumblr post may have a different potential to rank high on search engine result pages than a post on a platform like Medium. 

Therefore, it’s essential to realize that a backlink from a Tumblr subdomain does not hold the same significance as earning a backlink from the primary Tumblr domain.

1 blog = 1 link

The idea that one reblog on Tumblr equals one link is straightforward. Each time a Tumblr user reposts your content, you receive a backlink to both your original post and the page on your website to which you have linked.

However, it’s essential to remember that the value of each link you obtain on Tumblr may be limited because it comes from a subdomain, as we discussed earlier. 

As a result, even though you may accumulate several backlinks through reblogs, their impact on your overall search engine rankings may be limited.

Furthermore, it’s essential to note that Google is aware of how social sharing platforms such as Tumblr operate, and therefore, it likely assigns less weight to links earned through multiple reblogs on the same site. 

Such as, five backlinks from reposted Tumblr blogs may not be as valuable as five backlinks acquired from five different websites.

After considering both the points of Tumblr backlinks, the question remains: are they good for SEO? While Tumblr backlinks may not carry the same weight as links from other sites, they still offer the potential for building valuable links. 

Therefore, the question shifts to how to build effective Tumblr backlinks.

How To Build Tumblr Backlinks

Building Tumblr backlinks is a straightforward process that can be accomplished with five easy steps. Here’s how:

Create A Tumblr Blog

The first step to building Tumblr backlinks is to create a Tumblr blog. This involves signing up for an account on Tumblr and creating a blog using a subdomain that reflects your brand or website. 

Create Shareable Content

The second step to building Tumblr backlinks is to create shareable content. For your Tumblr blog to gain traction and attract attention, you must create content people want to share. This means creating high-quality, informative, and engaging posts that people will be excited to reblog.

When creating content for your Tumblr blog, think about your target audience and their interest. Research current trends and popular topics in your niche, and create content that adds value to the conversation. Make sure your content is visually appealing, as Tumblr is a highly visual platform.

Some popular types of content on Tumblr include original artwork, funny memes, informative infographics, and long-form blog posts. Experiment with different types of content to see what resonates with your audience and gets the most engagement.

Share Your Content On Tumblr

The next step is to share your content on Tumblr. Once you have created valuable and shareable content, you should post it on your Tumblr blog. Ensure your post includes a link to your website or the page you want to promote.

It’s important to note that Tumblr has a highly active and engaged community, so you’ll want to ensure you share your content at the right time and places to get the most visibility and engagement.

Engage With The Tumblr Community

Remember that Tumblr is a social platform; engagement is critical, just like any social network.

To engage with the Tumblr community, follow other blogs in your niche and reblog their content. You can also like and comment on posts, ask and answer questions, and participate in your niche’s various communities and tags.

Track Your Backlink

The final step in building Tumblr backlinks is to track them. You can use Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush to monitor your backlinks.

By tracking these backlinks, you can see which content is performing well and generating links. You can also identify harmful SEO practices, such as spammy backlinks, and disavow them before they harm your website’s rankings.

FAQs On Tumblr Backlinks

Q1. Are Tumblr Backlinks Followed Or No-Followed?

A. They are no-followed, meaning they do not pass on link juice to the linked website. However, links embedded within images on Tumblr are no-followed.

Q2. Can Tumblr Backlinks Improve My Website’s SEO?

A. While Tumblr backlinks may not directly improve your website’s SEO, they can still be valuable for generating referral traffic and increasing brand visibility.

Final Thoughts

Now that you have a clear understanding of Tumblr backlinks, It’s up to you whether you choose this technique of link building or not.

If you find yourself stuck at any point on the blog, please leave your questions in the comment section. We will be happy to help you.

Thanks for reading 🙂

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